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  • Writer's pictureTori Carter

Top 7 Elevator Etiquette Tips While Travelling On A Cruise Ship

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

We've been on many cruises and can not believe some of the things that we would notice or experience! Here are our top 7 Elevator Etiquette Tips While Travelling on a cruise ship!

Why did the elevator start taking etiquette classes? Because it wanted to lift people's spirits and raise their manners to new heights!

Whether you have been on a cruise ship or not, there are many reasons why you should be aware of our 7 elevator etiquette tips while using a cruise ship elevator. It is VERY likely that you will cross paths with the same people over the duration of your cruise, so you may not want to be labeled or known as the "guy who...", or the couple who the comedian is referring to in his next performance onstage.

As we have been on many cruises of various durations, we thought we would share our tips and experiences so that maybe you can avoid some unbelievable situations yourself!

Large crowd of people waiting
Crowd of people waiting

Tip #1 - Wait Your Turn!

It is very easy to get excited while boarding a cruise ship; whether it be you are boarding on the first day with thousands of new passengers trying to find their way, boarding after a long day on an excursion with hundreds of others, or trying to get on an elevator to go back to your room after the show with hundreds of people just let out. Either way, there is only so much room on an elevator, and there are many times where there will be a crowd waiting around to get on the elevator.

Wait your turn!

There have been many times that we have seen people patiently waiting to get on the elevator, only to have some rude or oblivious person just come out of nowhere and get on the elevator before the people who have been patiently waiting could even get on!

Many people actually NEED to use the elevator, as they are not able to get to a different floor without the use of it. Our advice would be, if you can manage to wait, take the stairs, or walk to another part of the ship with a less busy elevator, then do so!

Crowding the elevator door making it difficult to disembark the elevator
Don't crowd the elevator door

Tip #2 - Don't Be Rude!

Kind of in line with the first tip, is that there is no need to be rude while trying to get on, being on, or getting off of an elevator. Remember, there are not enough elevators to carry every single passenger at all times.

Allow the people who are getting off the the elevator to GET OFF first before trying to force your way into the space. We have seen people trying to push themselves on, while at the same time people are trying to get off, resulting in elbows in ribs, and just an overall sense of entitlement and ignorance. Just step aside and don't be rude!

finger pressing floor number 5 on an elevator
Select a floor by pressing a button on the elevator

Tip #3 - Help Others To Display Elevator Etiquette On The Cruise Ship!

Is there someone who is waiting for the elevator, or who is in the elevator who needs you to push the button for their destination? It is a simple question that you could ask, to avoid someone getting into your space, or to help them get to where they need to be.

"What floor are you going to?" That is all that you need to ask. Just press the button for them if they are too far from the button, or if you haven't made room by the panel for them to press the button.

Pay attention to passengers with disabilities, parents with strollers, or elderly cruisers. Just be courteous and allow them to get on the elevator first. Keep in mind that some people require assistance or need a little bit of extra time to enter or exit the elevator. Show consideration and give them priority.

Tip #4 - Don't Be Annoying!

Sometimes, people are just not in the mood to have a conversation with literally every single person that they meet on a cruise ship. Please don't be annoying and try to be best friends or give unsolicited advice to someone on the 30 second ride.

Elevator spaces can be a place for brief interactions and small talk among passengers. People might strike up conversations, share recommendations, or engage in friendly exchanges during the elevator ride. Just be mindful that not all people want to participate in small talk.

Of course you can be polite and say "hello" or "have a nice day", but try to not be annoying to others by asking too many questions or infringing upon other's space or privacy.

Please have fun on the ship, but don't do it at the expense of other people on the elevator... for example, it is the worst to get on an elevator that literally stops at every single floor, just because someone thought it would be a lot of fun to push all of the buttons! Trust me, it ISN'T that fun!

Tip #5 - Don't Make Others Uncomfortable!

What did the elevator say to the other elevator? "I think I'm coming down with something!"

An elevator on a cruise ship is a public space. It is a necessary "room" that most people have to share whether they like it or not. So, please try not to make other people unnecessarily uncomfortable before or during the ride.

Once you are inside of the elevator, respect other people's space by not invading theirs. Avoid standing too close to others, or move to the back of the elevator out of the way.

For example, on a cruise ship, you may encounter people who are sharing an elevator with you who are literally dripping wet from being in the pool, while at the same time, you are dressed up in your best dressy outfit for the captain's formal dinner. What do you do? If you are really concerned, just politely exit the elevator and wait for the next!

3 people on an elevator with 2 people talking on cellphones
Elevator Ride With People Talking On Cellphone

Tip #6 - Don't Infringe On Others' Space

You may not even notice how something you do could really infringe on someone's space! For example, we have seen people who have had their toe rolled over from a person who was riding a motorized wheelchair scooter; we have seen people coming from an excursion with large souveniers that have poked others in the face; and we have witnessed people literally stepping on others just to make room for themselves or to prove a point.

Another Space invader that many people complain about is SOUND. Sound takes up a lot of space. Have you ever been held hostage in an elevator with someone who is talking on their phone while it is on SPEAKER? Or have you been forced to listen to other people's conversation on video chat, or loudly conversing with others in a big group? Honestly, nobody wants to be involved in listening in on your conversation!

Keep noise levels to a minimum and refrain from engaging in loud conversations or playing loud music. Remember that others may prefer a quiet and peaceful elevator ride.

An elevator space is already small enough. Don't make it worse by infringing on to others' space.

Group of people leaving an elevator from bad smell
Bad Smell On An Elevator

Tip #7 - Don't Trap Others With Your Smell

This one is VERY common on a cruise ship... We have been disgusted by so many different types of smells, especially in a confined space where you are trapped, is the worst.

The worst offenders of smell on a cruise ship, for me, include someone wearing too much perfume or cologne (It gives people headaches, and the smell seems to cling to everyone around them); someone chewing gum or gnawing on a chicken bone where you can smell the flavor and hear the chewing; or the obvious, people passing gas. (Cruise ships have a ton of food that most don't eat on a daily basis, so it is no wonder that people have stomach issues that involve a whole lot of gas passing... especially on elevators!)

IF you can control the amount of scent you wear; eat in the dining room; and wait to pass your gas, that would be great!

Be Aware That An Elevator Is A Public Space

Remember that an elevator is a public space. People can be sick, rude, in need of help, or whatever, so be aware of your space, and be aware of the space of others.

Remember that good elevator etiquette is about being considerate, patient and respectful of all cruise ship passengers and staff, ensuring a great experience for everyone!

Have fun!!!


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